Living Your Best Self

Throughout much of my life, I’ve strived to connect with God, angels, and spirit guides in pursuit of living my best self. Sometimes it hasn’t been easy. Perhaps you’ve done the same, seeking their help but heard nothing back and have begun to wonder whether these beings genuinely hear. Or maybe you believe they do, but their guidance is spotty, unclear, or just plain confusing. I certainly have felt that. I can’t count the number of times I’ve called out to them, saying, “If you’re trying to send me a message, you need to send it another way because I’m not getting it.”

Nevertheless, I believe these divine beings are present at every moment and ready to give love, support, and guidance if we ask and listen. Asking is usually easy. Sometimes, it’s the listening that’s difficult. Yet, I don’t believe it’s because we’re not trying. I think it’s simply because we have a lot going on: work, family, household responsibilities, errands to run, and more. All demand our attention throughout the day.

To get around that, I firmly believe such beings employ any means to reach us. Certainly, they try through prayer and meditation, but also everyday things: books, posters, movies, songs, dreams, art, overheard comments or strangers, the sudden appearance of objects, animals, and even social media. If you grew up like me in a particular religious tradition, some may even seem ridiculous, if not sacrilegious. After all, shouldn’t we just rely on holy books, sacred writings, and such? I would challenge any implied belief that revelation only happened in the past.

Regardless of the means, I have felt my divine advisors’ presence, as I call them. Their impact has been most profound, for which I am deeply grateful. Their guidance and support enabled me to tap into my highest self and embrace my calling as a spirit healer.

Three years ago, after traveling along my long and winding path of life–through religious life and priesthood, my years of study in counseling psychology, numerous spiritual workshops and courses, and even 26 years in the computer industry–my divine advisors asked me to give back. I created my website,, and posted monthly blogs about living your highest self. A few weeks ago, however, they prodded me to go further: serve as an additional means through which their messages can be conveyed through what I have termed “life-moment readings.” Go to Life-moment Readings under the Offerings menu to learn more about them.

As you travel your path committed to living your best self, I urge you to open yourself to receiving messages in the most unexpected ways. Believe me, these folks are playful and have a sense of humor. I wrote about that in my Divine Humor blog.

Manifesting – Is it all baloney?

Manifesting. Have you heard this used to describe our ability to create what we desire? Recently, a friend emailed me a link to an article about this. The author seemed to believe that manifesting was essentially b.s., concluding that the concept implies that the successful and wealthy correctly manifest and the poor or struggling do not. While I disagreed with her conclusion, it led me to reflect on it. Ironically and providentially, I’m enrolled in a workshop centered around manifesting abundance in all forms and degrees.

I define manifesting more broadly, not only about what we manifest but also about the blessings we receive from the divine. It’s important that we hold our desire in the context of it being for the highest good, not only for ourselves but for others. For this blog, I’m focusing on our part.

Say you want a new job, more money, or a spouse. That doesn’t happen magically, in the sense that we don’t have to do anything. If you want to win the lottery, you can’t if you don’t play. If you want more money but spend recklessly, you must show more respect for your income. If you wish a spouse but hide in your home, you’ll have problems manifesting. So, you have to take action. Many who teach about manifesting say you’re telling the universe you’re serious.

But what about people who do act but have no results? Perhaps the desire may not be in keeping with your current life path. I’ve been in that no-results place myself. I remember being unhappy in a job and wanting to find a position that placed people above profits. No job manifested despite creating a resume and posting it to job boards among other things. Rather than concluding I was doing it wrong, I concluded there was something else to learn. Indeed, there was, and you can read about it in my chapter in “Awaken Your Magic: Real Life Manifestation Journey.

So, part of manifesting is your attitude. It’s important to believe the desire is possible but also be open to the desire taking time or a different form from what you imagined. If we narrow our desire to something too specific, it may prevent us from seeing something right in front of us.

Post a comment and tell me what you think. It might result in another blog.

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Give Your Intuition Space

A few days ago, I attended the last session of a webinar that Denise and Meadow Linn offered. During it, Denise led us in a fire ceremony with the intention of releasing all that was no longer served and inviting in all that did. Rituals and ceremonies have always been important to me, even before I was a priest. While metaphorical, the symbolism embedded in them often had the intended result. In the case of Denise’s ceremony, the result was unexpected, making space for my intuition. Let me explain.

For years, I’ve worked with feelings of not being good enough, fear of taking risks, being visible, and pushing myself to be perfect. Through therapy, workshops, and personal study, I understood where these came from, including their intention, which was to keep me safe. So, they weren’t bad, but they limited me in the present. Through that work, I also let go of and invited transformative healing into those parts so they’d benefit me. For example, the perfectionist became the part committed to doing my best. Still, even with this, I knew that these lingering parts still chattered when I tried something new.

Going through the ceremony, subconsciously, I identified this chatter as clutter. And the clutter got in the way of me hearing my intuition. Now, I believe that my intuition is the voice of my divine or higher self, whose goal is to help me live my best self and purpose. Following the ceremony, I discovered that the releasing experience removed some of the chatter clutter, giving my intuition room to breathe.

Interestingly, with the space, my intuition no longer had to yell to be heard. Instead, it communicated its message in a calm, quiet, and, dare I say, even grounded way.

Since last Thursday, as I go through my day, I check in with myself to determine what I’m drawn to do. I consider my options, like writing books, exercising, or cleaning. Sometimes, my intuition doesn’t respond. I take that to mean that they are equal. When it did weigh in, and I listened, I felt both contentment and joy during and afterward. Writing this blog is one example of that.

Space. That’s all it was. Give my intuition space. Space to be heard without shouting. Do you find your intuition competes with the chatter of parts of you that no longer serve? Like Denise did in the webinar, have your own fire ceremony, perhaps using a candle to keep things safe. Then, imagine those parts that limit you being released and floating away like the wisps of smoke from a burning candle. Then, invite in what does serve, allowing your intuition space to voice the answer.

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Awaken Your Magic: Real Life Manifestation Journeys

Check out the book Awaken Your Magic: Real Life Manifestation Journeys, for which I’m a contributing author.

It’s an anthology featuring diverse voices sharing their powerful experiences of manifestation.” Its contents are personal stories of spiritual awakenings, miracles, and blessings. In each chapter, the author shares their struggles and the wisdom gained through them. My chapter, “Signposts to Purpose,” describes my search for my calling, its challenges and the divine inspiration that guided my path.

The proceeds for online sales go to a non-profit called StreetLightUSA, which provides help to those exploited or sex trafficked.

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When Opportunities are challenges

In December, I set an intention for 2024, per a suggestion from one of the webinars I attended. The idea is to use that to guide our attitude and goals for the year. My intention was Opportunities accepted; Miracles manifest. When I chose, my thought was the opportunities would be invitations for me to try something new, recognizing that a few might cause some anxiety. But I didn’t think opportunities might be challenges too. In the last couple of weeks, I was reminded of that reality. Two stand out and both impact my health.

The first occurred while I was driving on a highway with no street lights. My eyes started having problems. Break lights and turn signals from cars in front of me had halos and also resulted in glare. In addition, my depth perception was somewhat compromised. I white-knuckled it the entire drive home. The solution is having cataract surgery, occurring in a few days. Yesterday, I was alerted that post surgery I couldn’t rub my eyes for at least two weeks. It makes sense. But, as someone who has allergy issues, eye rubbing is automatic.

The second was vertigo and not the movie. I’ve had occasional dizziness before. But this time it’s been constant. After doing the exercises that my doctor suggested, the severity has lessened. But it hasn’t abated. So, I’m now doing other exercises suggested by the Physical Therapist to whom I was referred.

Realizing now that opportunities can be challenges, I asked my divine advisors what I was to learn from these opportunities. Two came to mind.

  • Take care of my body. Exercise and eat healthy. I usually do that. However, exercise has to be limited because of the dizziness.
  • Patience. I wouldn’t characterize myself as being impatient. But I know I can learn more.

Somehow, I think there’s something else I’m to learn from these challenges. I hope they come soon.

I wish you all opportunities that are blessings and not challenges. But, if they are challenges, may they resolve quickly.

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Don’t Push the River. It flows by Itself

I heard this phrase recently, and it really struck me. Apparently, it’s the title of a book written by Barry Stevens in 2005. It basically means to let go and trust the timing of the universe. Sometimes, that’s easier said than done.

Over this last year, as a spirit healer, my divine advisors have reminded me to trust them and believe that everything is happening as needed. One of the main areas this applies to is editing and publishing my first book in my spiritual fantasy series. If you’re not aware, editing takes a long, long time and can be quite tedious. Compounding the tedium is learning about something called “show, not tell,” which means that rather than providing information about a character or a situation, create a scene. It makes sense. But it’s required a good amount of rewriting. Because I started this book at the end of 2021, I’ve found myself impatient to complete it and move on to book 2. The message from my advisors echoed the 2005 book title.

Have you ever been in that situation? It can be challenging to embrace. Sometimes, the feeling of impatience comes with the belief that you must do something. Doesn’t the universe, God, or our higher power require us to do our part? If so, then how much are you supposed to do? Per the river metaphor, aren’t there pebbles or rocks you have to move to help it flow better?

As a recovering workaholic, recognizing when to do something and how much is challenging. It comes down to listening to my intuition and being attentive to my body, which gives me warning signs when I’m pushing. For 2024, my intention is to wait for the opportunities to guide me about when to take action. I’m not letting my advisors off the hook; I’ve asked them to make them obvious.

As we approach the end of 2023 and the start of 2024, I realize that some of you might be scrambling to buy presents or stressing about holiday gatherings. But maybe the metaphor is appropriate. Let the river flow, breathe, and find some time to relax and enjoy.

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Divine Humor

A central tenet of my belief is that God, angels, and all divine beings are always watching over us. My sense is that’s a common belief for many. This means that they watch us every moment of every day. I’ve been fortunate to sense their presence through a tingling sensation coursing through my body, something I first experienced a couple of years ago.

Two weeks ago, this took a comical turn. How do I say this politely? I felt their presence (that is, the tingling) while urinating. Yeah, I know it sounds gross. Some might think it was nothing more than a physical reaction. I would normally agree. But when I checked with my divine advisors, they confirmed it. Now, I could imagine some calling me blasphemous for saying such. But if you think about it, if God is truly present to us in every moment, then that includes our most mundane activities. It was an important lesson to be reminded of. Think about it.

Now, this might have been the end of the lesson had it not been for the fact that the tingles have continued since then every time I took care of business. When I accused my divine advisors of being weird, they laughed. From that emerged their next lesson: Divine beings don’t limit themselves to solemnity and seriousness. They also have moments of joy, laughter, silliness, and playfulness. Try to imagine what that might be like. Might they be luminous balls of energy careening around the divine realm and having fun? Might my guardian angel go so far as to muss my hair or even poke me?

I must admit that for much of my life, I treated my spiritual journey as a serious business with no room for laughter or silliness. But by doing so I excluded experiences that were light and in fact healing. What about you? Does your own spiritual journey include laughter and playfulness? Like me, it could lead to unexpected moments.

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Turning Doubt into Excitement

Have you ever had the experience where you knew something good was going to happen but you doubted it because your own feelings of unworthiness overpowered it? I have. Last Monday, I attended a session of Cosmic Community, a program offered by Dougall Fraser. The focus was manifesting your vision. Our homework was to visualize our dream, feel the emotions that you’d feel when it became a reality, and then notice and explore any feelings of unworthiness arise.

For me, the dream is the publishing the first book in my spiritual fantasy series. The thing is that for this my dream, I’ve gotten a constant message from my guides though spiritual readers that my book will take off. Despite that, I’ve struggled with doubt, and questions like, “what real proof do I have that that’s even possible?”

Reflecting on this, I received the following question from my guides: “Why does not knowing the details about how this will happen, result in doubt? Must the unknown equate with doubt? I immediately knew that it didn’t. And with that, I felt a weight lifted. Not knowing the how, when or what of a future blessing, doesn’t mean that you have to doubt that it will occur.

Yesterday, I was challenged to go a step further, when I learned that my sister planned a surprise trip for her husband’s birthday. For him, the how and where are unknown, but with that comes excitement. So, in place of the doubt we let go, can we embrace excitement as we anticipate our dream manifesting?

To that end, I invite to do the same homework I have, as part of your daily meditation. Sit or lie down somewhere comfortable and do the following:

  1. Visualize your dream or the good that you desire. What does it look like? What are you wearing? Who are you with?
  2. Once you clearly see than image, become aware of the emotions that you experience, for example, happy, fulfilled, grateful, etc. But feel them not just as a future experience but in that very moment; in effect, you are inviting that dream to begin manifesting now.
  3. Finally, notice if any unworthiness, doubt, or fear arise. Acknowledge them with the intention exploring their why later. Then, invite the feelings back that you had of your manifested dream. Then, hold them in your heart throughout the rest of your day.

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Letting go, trust, risk

In a recent personal oracle card reading, I received that a message that an area of my life that is blocked is abundance. The tool to break through it being still and open. The outcome of doing will be the manifestation of wonderous experiences. An exciting message, huh. My intuition says that this message is not just for me but for anyone seeking to discover opportunities and fully manifest their gifts.

A few weeks ago, I started a Certified Aura Reader course offered by Dougall Fraser and his husband David Harel. The goal is to enable the enrollees to perceive people’s auras and understand what they represent about the person’s self and gifts. As a spirit healer still growing into my identity, I sensed that developing this ability would be important. Not even half way into the course, I discovered three ideas that might be helpful to anyone.

Letting go: While this is not a new idea, for me letting go also meant telling my mind voice to shush. Ever committed to helping me on my spiritual path, it falsely believed that to help me it needed to push harder to figure “it” out, not aware that by doing this it hindered my ability to hear my intuition.

Trust: With a quiet mind, I’m once again reminded to trust. It too is not a new idea. But it calls for trust at a deeper level. For out of the quiet, our intuition has more space to perceive messages and images and to speak. A few weeks ago, during my first practice aura reading, quieting my mind and trusting were challenging. Although, what I sensed was real, it was limited. I had to trust wholeheartedly that into the silence (or at least the space that had less mind chatter) would come what I needed to hear and thus share with the person I was reading.

Risk: It can be scary to try something new, especially if others might consider it hogwash. In my case, risk called me to not edit or doubt, speaking whatever I heard through my intuitive sense, in a stream-of-consciousness kind of way. Now, before doing so, it necessitated that I go neutral, that is, set aside my mood so I could tap into the other’s energy. Risking from this place came a great sense of satisfaction.

Letting go, trust, and risk. Simple ideas but having profound outcomes if we are open to embracing them.

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Make Your Own Kind of Music

This song, by the Mamas & the Papas, popped into my head this morning. The complete chorus lyrics are: “Make your own kind of music. Sing your own special song. Make your own kind of music, even if nobody else sings along.”

This struck me this morning after pulling two cards for an Oracle deck the night before. The first card was Archangel Jeremiel, whose focus is forgiveness. The second card was Self-Acceptance. The combination of the song and the cards reminded me of a few divine messages.

As we travel along our path towards wholeness, endeavoring to live a good life and our purpose, we’re not going to do it perfectly. We’re simply need to do the best we can, and use any mistakes or struggles as learning opportunities. Archangel Jeremiel’s invitation to self-forgiveness is to fully accept ourselves as we are in the moment, letting go of any goal that implies that we would be more effectively living our purpose when we achieve X or exhibit Y.

Coming off that, the song lyrics calls us to make our own kind of music, as we are now, with all our messiness and frustrations, as well as blessings and successes.

That’s in fact the beauty of our incarnation on earth. Each of us are unique individuals. We bring into our life our experiences, gifts, struggles, passions, fears, and even quirks. Together they make their own melody that others may not understand or even agree with. Certainly, having the support of others is helpful. But we are encouraged to raise our voice in song now, as loud as we can. Granted, some of the music may clash. But I believe that giving it time, prayer, and blessings, the music will harmonize, creating an amazing chorus that transforms and heals.

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