Divine Humor

A central tenet of my belief is that God, angels, and all divine beings are always watching over us. My sense is that’s a common belief for many. This means that they watch us every moment of every day. I’ve been fortunate to sense their presence through a tingling sensation coursing through my body, something I first experienced a couple of years ago.

Two weeks ago, this took a comical turn. How do I say this politely? I felt their presence (that is, the tingling) while urinating. Yeah, I know it sounds gross. Some might think it was nothing more than a physical reaction. I would normally agree. But when I checked with my divine advisors, they confirmed it. Now, I could imagine some calling me blasphemous for saying such. But if you think about it, if God is truly present to us in every moment, then that includes our most mundane activities. It was an important lesson to be reminded of. Think about it.

Now, this might have been the end of the lesson had it not been for the fact that the tingles have continued since then every time I took care of business. When I accused my divine advisors of being weird, they laughed. From that emerged their next lesson: Divine beings don’t limit themselves to solemnity and seriousness. They also have moments of joy, laughter, silliness, and playfulness. Try to imagine what that might be like. Might they be luminous balls of energy careening around the divine realm and having fun? Might my guardian angel go so far as to muss my hair or even poke me?

I must admit that for much of my life, I treated my spiritual journey as a serious business with no room for laughter or silliness. But by doing so I excluded experiences that were light and in fact healing. What about you? Does your own spiritual journey include laughter and playfulness? Like me, it could lead to unexpected moments.

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